Starling Travel

August 29, 2008

M( ) Visits The Burger Nazi in Hawaii

Filed under: Food,Places To Visit — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Megan Wallent and her family visited Hawaii and while they were there, they encountered the Burger Nazi.

They were hiking in Makena Park and happened upon a roadside food stand. Before they could even order, the Burger Nazi had a speech for them.

“Before you order, let me tell you about my food. I cook everything to order. We have burgers and fish sandwiches with mahi mahi. The burgers are the Kong Burger, which are this big (his hands up as if to hold a sandwich, fingers extended to their full length as if to make a giant ellipse), and they cost $14 each. It comes with cheese, lettuce, maui onion, roasted pineapple, tomato and mustard and catchup. I wrap it in the foil, and if you unwrap it, then it will fall apart. I only cook meat with meat, and fish with fish so if you want both, you’ll have to wait.”

Man, I want a Kong Burger! I’ll wait until you can cook the meat with the meat, I promise!

Click on over to Megan’s site for pictures and more descriptions.

Where: Makena Park, Maui, Hawaii Google Map

1 Comment »

  1. Oh my, memories of the ‘soup nazi’ episode of Seinfeld jumped into my mind.

    Thank you so much for this posting. It brought a huge smile to my face.

    Comment by Kim at Best of Hawaii Directory — September 2, 2008 @ 3:22 pm

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