Starling Travel

December 23, 2008

1964 New York World’s Fair

Filed under: New York,Places To Visit,Tourist Attractions — Laura Moncur @ 1:20 pm

When I was scanning in my mother’s old photos, I found these from the 1964 New York World’s Fair:

Observation Towers by LauraMoncur from Flickr

You can see the rest of them here:

The observation towers can still be seen today in Queens, New York. If you would like to take a miniature vacation back in time, you can watch these videos about the New York World’s Fair from the Prelinger Archive.

Here are some home movies from the 1964 World’s Fair:

Here is a newsreel about the monorail:

It’s possible to still visit the site of the 1964 New York World’s Fair, but all of the Futurama is gone to be replaced by the real future.

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